Ise Bosch announces EU 10 Mio. investment in LGBTQI property purchases at global LGBT funding Summit, Capetown, Nov. 2024
Ise Bosch announces EU 10 Mio. investment in LGBTQI property purchases at global LGBT funding Summit, Capetown, Nov. 2024
Ise Bosch announces EU 10 Mio. investment in LGBTQI property purchases at global LGBT funding Summit, Capetown, Nov. 2024
Amid rising anti-rights backlash and dramatic shifts in the philanthropic and development assistance landscape, the Fund Our Futures campaign will raise $150 million in new funding for global LGBTI movements.…
The Global Resources Report 2021-2022 documents detailed data on the distribution of LGBTI funding over a two-year period. It summarises data from foundations, intermediary NGOs, companies and multilateral organisations from…
This Guide seeks to provide CSOs interested in property purchase with practical guidance on how to undertake this journey, from conceptualisation to realisation. It contains information that can be interpreted…
This guide provides valuable insights and guidance for funders interested in supporting LGBTQIA* Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the Global South and Global East to purchase their own properties. It…
On the occasion of the inhumane new "anti-homosexuality" law in Uganda, the Regenbogen Stiftungen (“rainbow foundations”) have sent an open urgent appeal letter to the German government. Dreilinden gGmbH has…
Safe spaces and movement-led infrastructure (e.g. health clinics, training centres, shelters) are ever more important for LGBTQIA* communities across the Global South and Global East. Three civil society organisations from…
Dreilinden is particularly interested in LGBTQI+ organisations in the Global South and East being able to buy or build their own properties. We have been involved in several projects of…
A lot is changing right now, and it's changing fast. For an organization that wants to influence these changes, it seems all the more important to be very clear: Who…
The study, jointly published by Dreilinden gGmbH and the German Institute for Human Rights (Deutschen Institut für Menschenrechte), examines for the fifth time and for the years 2018 and 2019…