2021–2022 Global Resources Report: Government & Philanthropic Support for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex Communities

The Global Resources Report 2021-2022 documents detailed data on the distribution of LGBTI funding over a two-year period. It summarises data from foundations, intermediary NGOs, companies and multilateral organisations from…

Weiterlesen2021–2022 Global Resources Report: Government & Philanthropic Support for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex Communities

Open Letter from the Rainbow Foundations Germany to the German Federal Government on the need for action on the “Anti-Homosexuality Act“

On the occasion of the inhumane new "anti-homosexuality" law in Uganda, the Regenbogen Stiftungen (“rainbow foundations”) have sent an open urgent appeal letter to the German government. Dreilinden gGmbH has…

WeiterlesenOpen Letter from the Rainbow Foundations Germany to the German Federal Government on the need for action on the “Anti-Homosexuality Act“