
9. Conference Rainbow Philanthropy 2017
LGBTI* human rights work in Russia

Civil society in Russia is increasingly under pressure. Civil engagement by and on behalf of lesbian, gays, bisexuals, trans*, inter*, and gender non-conforming (LGBTI*) persons, in particular, is increasingly curtailed – amongst others by state measures.

German and international donors and organisations met on the premises of Heinrich Boell Foundation to discuss this shrinking space. At first, preliminary data of the new study ‘Rainbow Philanthropy 4’ was presented. The study will be launched in spring 2018. After an introduction to the conference’s topic with a situation report, participants discussed common strategies and possible solutions in several workshops. Inputs of several stakeholders rounded off this work intense meeting.

In the end, the results were summed up on a cautiously positive note: despite difficulties, the situation is not hopeless; on the level of personal relations, especially, small but steady progress can be made.

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>>> Photos 9. Conference Rainbow Philanthropy