
Working Paper “Let me be me!“
Better Care for LGBTI* Children

In this working paper for iNGOs, Dreilinden presents the essential demands of the 8th Rainbow Philanthropy Conference addressing LGBTI* children in development cooperation: to carry out research and provide more data, listen to children‘s voices, identify promising practices, and share resources. The paper is a collaboration with SOS Children‘s Villages International and Keeping Children Safe (KCS) and provides three sections:

Research and Tools, including the legal human rights context, an analysis from KCS’s survey on institutional readiness, and workshop results from the 8th Rainbow Philanthropy Conference.

Interviews: Five young LGBT* care leavers speak about their experiences; two managers of alternative care and children‘s rights organisations present their views on LGBTI* children and approaches to improve care for gender non-conforming children and youth.

Promising Practices: Save the Children International in Vietnam’s work with LGBT street youth, and the response of SOS Children‘s Villages Argentina and Tunisia to LGBTI* children and staff.

Let me be me! (PDF)